Sunday, August 29, 2010

Water Park in Saigon

It's no Wet'n Wild. And it's certainly no Waimea Bay. But Saigon's Dam Sen Water Park really wasn't too bad. For Pearce, at least, it was sensational. A nice respite from the heat and dirt of the city. He went three times. Once with me and Eric and our friend Thanh and his nieces and nephews, and the other two times with just Eric. Each time he was able to practice his new swimming skills in front of peers, and even went down the dark tunnel slide. Here are some highlights.

Pearce and Eric on the lazy river.

They just missed the crazy teenagers.

Making friends despite the lack of a common language.

We were humming Sesame Street's "One of these Things is not like the Other" a lot.

Water park montage.


Noelle said...

I love reading all of your adventures! Pearce is so lucky to enjoy these wonderful experiences. I don't think we'll ever make it to Vietnam so I'm going to live thru you, lol! : )